I was a NSF OCE postdoctoral fellow in the Department of
Microbiology & Plant Pathology at the University of
California, Riverside advised by Dr. Jason Stajich.
Dissertation research
For my dissertation with Dr. Jonathan Eisen at the University of California, Davis, I investigated the taxonomic diversity of seagrass-associated bacteria (aka the seagrass microbiome) and fungi (aka the seagrass mycobiome).
Recent publications
Mycobiome and microbiome of sharpshooters
Our paper, "Geographical survey of the mycobiome and microbiome of Southern California glassy-winged sharpshooters. ", is now published in mSphere.
Metagenomic insight into invasion-driven shifts in the rhizosphere
Our paper, "Invasive plant species interact with drought to shift key functions and families in the native rhizosphere", is published in Plant and Soil.
Unravelling the complex life cycle of a blastoclad fungus
Our latest work, "Genomes and transcriptomes help unravel the complex life cycle of the blastoclad fungus, Coelomomyces lativittatus, an obligate parasite of mosquitoes and microcrustaceans" is out in Mycologia.